A boot stuck in the mud.

STUCK – A Theatrical Audio Workshop from Made by Mortals


Audience Suitable for all

“Healthcare professionals are being asked to solve social problems with medical solutions; they need help from the wider community.”

Many people are feeling ‘stuck’ in the modern world – in their personal and professional lives – and this collective outlook is contributing to widespread loneliness and other serious issues.

Step forward Made by Mortals and its thought-provoking new workshop STUCK – designed to combat such feelings by challenging you to help a character who feels stuck; to work with them, supported by the community, to empower and enable them to become ‘unstuck’.

This imaginative, theatrical audio workshop will deepen your connection and understanding of yourself and others, move you to a place of feeling and openness, and support you to consider what you can do to help.

It will inspire you to think in a community-led way about the problems individuals face, and provide invaluable insight into how Made by Mortals’ unique approach can help to drive innovation within both patient and public engagement.

Learn more about STUCK and find out more about Made by Mortals on:

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